Our Vision
The firm strives to be different. It believes in a fresh, fast and effective approach to all of its matters in which the best interests of the client are served at all material times. It sets itself apart from many others by dealing with each matter in cost effective and intensive isolation in order to secure the most favourable outcome for its clients.
In order to give effect to its mission, the firm pursues a warm and understanding relationship with its clients, which enhances effective communication thereby ensuring a proper comprehension of its particular brief.
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Luitingh and Associates was founded during 1995. Its offices are situated in Rondebosch in a geographical triangle which conveniently serves the jurisdictions of the Cape Town High Court as well as the Magistrates Court and the Regional Court of Cape Town, Wynberg and Goodwood respectively.
Luitingh and Associates specialises in Commercial Law, Commercial Litigation, Property Law, Evictions, Trusts and Estates, Injury, Labour and Copyright, Construction, Town Planning and Insurance. The firm has a Family Law Department which deals extensively with Matrimonial, Divorce, Maintenance, and matters relating to children.
The firm has a coordinated and successful correspondent practice and acts for correspondents throughout the country, the continent of Africa and abroad regarding various matters.
About Us
Family Law
More Details Soon
Contact Us
Suite 5, Athos Chambers
Cnr Campground & Austwick Roads
Rondebosch 7700
P.O. Box 431
Rondebosch 7701
Telephone: (021) 686-3452 / 686-8454
Fax: (021) 686-8440
Jan Luitingh
Mobile: +27 82 807 9467
Email: janniel@iafrica.com
For any general enquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
Business Law and Commercial Law
Business Rescue
Criminal Law and Bail Applications
Curatorship / Curator Bonis
Deceased Estates and Trusts
Designs and Copyrights
Education Law
Insolvency and Liquidation
Firearm License Applications
Forensic Investigations
Human Rights
Sequestration and Rehabilitation
Insurance Law
Evictions and Leases​
Intellectual Property
Liquor Law
Land Claims and Land Rights
Mediation and Dispute Resolution
Medical Negligence
Personal Injury
Professional Negligence
Labour Law
Property Law
Entertainment Law
Practice Areas